Chris Petersen
Guitar, Vocals
DATE OF BIRTH: 22.06.1983
HEIGHT: 5’11”
WEIGHT: 176 lbs
YEAR STARTED PLAYING: guitar 1998, drums 1999 (have not kept up with it except in digital realm), bass 2001, recording vocals since 2008, live vocals since 2012
EQUIPMENT: 10+ years exclusive use of JACKSON guitars! No substitutes!
- Jackson RR1T, SL2H, KV2T, KV Professional Japan guitars (this last one used on all CELLADOR recordings to
- date)
- C.F. Martin & Co. acoustic guitar
- EVH 5150 III Amp
- Mesa Boogie Oversize speaker cabinets (x2)
- Morley Bad Horsie Wah, Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer, ISP Decimator Noise Gate
- Planet Waves Black Ice jazz picks (80 mm gauge)
- D’darrio 10-46 gauge strings
- Seymour Duncun, EMG pickups
- Mogami, Monster brand cables
FAVORITE BANDS: (Currently as of April 2013) Trick or Treat, Katana, Iron Savior, Solar Fragment, Blind Guardian, Galneryus, Deathspell Omega, Havok, Wolfpakk, Behemoth, Versailles, Lazarus A.D., Gamma Ray, Dark Moor, etc.
FAVORITE FOOD: stir fry’s, pho’s, sushi’s, kabobs, ultra spicy, veggies, raw, mostly “ethnic” foods. no burritos, no burgers, no pastas, no pizza please.
FAVORITE DRINK: Coffee. Fav beer: Belgian Trappist ales, a few California IPA’s
INTERESTS: weight training, cardio, biking, stocks, investing, music production, hopping “restaurants”, travel, reading